/BCO-DMO/OA_Copes_Coccoliths/14d_cultureDynamics --pCO2_treatment eq 280_culture-- Level 1

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#  14 Hour Culture Dynamics
#  W. Balch and D. Fields, PIs
#  Version 28 September 2016
date          day   time    pH       temperature  salinity  inVivo_fluorescence  cell_density  mean_cellDiameter  fluorescencePerCellDensity  PIC_ugCPerL  PIC_pgCPerCell  POC_ugCPermL  POC_pgCPerCell  NO2      NO3_NO2  NO3      PO4      SiO4     mean_SiO4  TA       DIC      pCO2     HCO3     CO3      CO2      omega_calcite  ISO_DateTime_UTC  
2014/04/22    0     9:57    8.135    16.6         31.4      1.19                 11400         8.702              0.0001                      130          11.41           0.67          59.08           0.3      837.6    837.3    26.06    19.42    nd         2102.6   1837.2   290.3    1661.4   165.2    10.5     4.04           2014-04-22T09:57:00  
2014/04/23    1     10:36   8.147    16.7         31.7      1.24                 12800         9.781              0.0001                      208.2        16.26           0.71          55.43           0.6      858.8    858.2    24.38    19.14    nd         2094.1   1822.3   278.9    1642.3   169.9    10.1     4.14           2014-04-23T10:36:00  
2014/04/24    2     10:19   8.146    16.5         31.3      1.56                 15300         9.811              0.0001                      230.1        15.04           1.06          69.04           2.8      897.5    894.8    20.8     nd       20.6       2170.5   1901.3   292.8    1716.8   173.8    10.7     4.25           2014-04-24T10:19:00  
2014/04/25    3     10:15   8.144    16.2         31.4      1.7                  24200         9.76               0.00007                     349.7        14.45           1.54          63.69           1.9      870.9    869      24.41    nd       20.6       2103.1   1837.9   283.6    1661.4   166.1    10.4     4.06           2014-04-25T10:15:00  
2014/04/26    4     10:05   8.186    16.6         31.3      2.53                 34900         9.798              0.00007                     404.3        11.59           1.91          54.79           2.4      716.2    713.8    18.57    nd       20.6       2180.5   1891.3   263.5    1693     188.6    9.6      4.61           2014-04-26T10:05:00  
2014/04/27    5     10:30   8.27     17           31.4      4.27                 51700         9.838              0.00008                     651.1        12.59           2.69          51.97           1        838.5    837.5    24.88    nd       20.6       2209.5   1858.7   208.8    1626.9   224.3    7.5      5.48           2014-04-27T10:30:00  
2014/04/28    6     10:30   8.291    17           31.8      6.52                 88300         10.038             0.00007                     903.6        10.23           4.32          48.93           1.4      824.1    822.7    15.23    nd       20.6       2211.3   1854.4   196.8    1611.9   235.5    7        5.74           2014-04-28T10:30:00  
2014/04/29    7     10:24   nd       16.8         32.1      9.88                 116000        10.034             0.00009                     1302.2       11.23           6.1           52.55           3.2      778.1    774.9    18.3     19.84    nd         2125     nd       nd       nd       nd       nd       nd             2014-04-29T10:24:00  
2014/04/30    8     10:00   nd       16.5         32.1      13.1                 169000        9.487              0.00008                     1720.5       10.18           8.6           50.88           3        597.9    594.8    12.83    nd       20.6       1960.9   nd       nd       nd       nd       nd       nd             2014-04-30T10:00:00  
2014/05/01    9     10:23   8.457    16.7         32        16.3                 221000        9.442              0.00007                     2064.6       9.34            10.52         47.59           4.7      738.6    733.9    13.49    nd       20.6       1953.5   1528.6   104.6    1257.6   267.3    3.8      6.51           2014-05-01T10:23:00  
2014/05/02    10    10:07   8.352    16.8         32.1      19.1                 257500        9.261              0.00007                     2557.5       9.93            14.34         55.69           5.4      693      687.6    10.11    nd       20.6       2010.6   1644.6   148.5    1403.3   235.9    5.3      5.74           2014-05-02T10:07:00  
2014/05/03    11    10:37   8.286    16.9         32.3      23.7                 301000        9.268              0.00008                     3460.1       11.5            13.83         45.95           6.4      660.2    653.8    6.72     nd       20.6       1989.6   1665.6   178.4    1448.3   210.9    6.4      5.13           2014-05-03T10:37:00  
2014/05/04    12    10:40   8.302    16.7         32.3      28                   371000        9.403              0.00008                     1829.7       4.93            14.37         38.74           7.1      613.2    606.1    2.88     nd       20.6       1653.9   1364.2   140.2    1182     177.2    5        4.31           2014-05-04T10:40:00  
2014/05/05    13    10:12   8.233    16.7         32.5      30.2                 358000        9.051              0.00008                     4491.1       12.54           18.7          52.22           8.1      558      549.9    0.96     nd       20.6       1863     1587.1   194.8    1400.3   179.8    7        4.36           2014-05-05T10:12:00  
2014/05/06    14    10:31   8.292    16.4         32.5      33.2                 408000        9.101              0.00008                     5844.4       14.32           22            53.92           9.8      78.8     69       0.96     21.46    nd         1750     1457.7   153.4    1267.6   184.5    5.6      4.48           2014-05-06T10:31:00